4 Common Situations Where You Need Emergency Dental Care

Do you know what qualifies as a dental emergency? Understanding what dental situation can be considered an emergency can be detrimental to getting immediate care from an emergency dentist in Columbia.

Here are a few everyday situations that can be considered a dental emergency.

Knocked-out Tooth

If you have a knocked-out tooth, it will be considered a dental emergency. As soon as your tooth is knocked out, locate it immediately and wash it with water. Make sure not to touch the root of the tooth to avoid damage.

Now, you can choose what to do with the tooth. You can place the tooth in the socket and press it gently with a clean cotton cloth. Or you can put the tooth in milk or saline solution. This gives you enough time to get medical attention immediately.

Broken or Cracked Tooth

Did you break or crack your tooth while playing sports or eating? If so, this calls for emergency dental treatment. A chipped or cracked tooth can be saved using a tooth restoration process or simple filling. If you notice swelling, you can use a cold compress.

Neglecting a broken and cracked tooth can result in bigger issues, such as the crack reaching the root of the tooth, causing infection. Hence, don’t ignore chipped or cracked teeth.

Dental Abscess

You might have heard stories of people having severe tooth infections, which caused them other medical issues. This is because they ignored dental abscesses.

A dental abscess is a pus-filled pocket near the root of the tooth caused due to infection. If you notice such a pocket in your mouth, immediately rinse it with salt water and seek medical attention from an emergency dentist Columbia SC. Ignoring dental abscesses can cause other medical issues.

Severe Tooth Ache

If you have a debilitating toothache lasting for a few days, it calls for emergency dental treatment. Severe toothache is a sign of bigger dental issues. Let your dentist diagnose the problem immediately to get care.

In addition to these three situations, if you have gum bleeding, damage to your orthodontic appliance, or mouth injury, it will be a dental emergency.

About Soda City Dentistry:

If you need emergency dental care, Soda City Dentistry is right here to help you. This dental clinic has a separate dental staff for emergency dental care services. In addition to dental emergency care, this dental clinic also provides orthodontic treatments such as Invisalign, veneers Columbia SC, dental crowns, and more.

To get high-quality dental care, visit https://www.sodacitydentistry.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/46GcXG3